Examples: CSS selectors, the easy way

Let’s start with an easy example of using lexbor for parsing and serializing CSS selectors. This example breaks down the major steps and elements, explaining the overall purpose, requirements, and assumptions at each step.

The code for all examples is available in our GitHub repository; this specific example can be found at list_easy_way.c.

Overall Purpose

The example demonstrates how to use lexbor to parse a CSS selector string, create a selector list, and then serialize the selector list. It also shows how to handle parser logs and properly clean up allocated resources.

This guide is designed to help you utilize lexbor for parsing and serializing CSS selectors, with a focus on error handling and resource management.

Please note that this is a basic (or naive) approach. A more advanced, real-world example will be provided later.

Major Steps and Elements

1. Library Inclusion and Callback Function

The code includes the necessary header files and defines a callback function (callback) that prints the parsed data.

#include <lexbor/css/css.h>

lxb_status_t callback(const lxb_char_t *data, size_t len, void *ctx)
    printf("%.*s", (int) len, (const char *) data);
    return LXB_STATUS_OK;

2. Main Function

The main function initializes the CSS parser, parses a CSS selector string, and then serializes the resulting selector list.

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    // ... (variable declarations)

    // Create parser.
    parser = lxb_css_parser_create();
    status = lxb_css_parser_init(parser, NULL);
    // Check if parser initialization was successful.
    if (status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Parse and get the log.
    // ...

    // Selector List Serialization.
    // ...

    // Destroy resources for Parser.
    // ...

    // Destroy all Selector List memory.
    // ...

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

3. CSS Selector String and Parser Initialization

The code defines a CSS selector string (slctrs) and initializes the CSS parser.

static const lxb_char_t slctrs[] = ":has(div, :not(as, 1%, .class), #hash)";

parser = lxb_css_parser_create();
status = lxb_css_parser_init(parser, NULL);

4. Parsing CSS Selector and Handling Errors

The code parses the CSS selector string, checks for parsing errors, and prints the result.

list = lxb_css_selectors_parse(parser, slctrs,
                               sizeof(slctrs) / sizeof(lxb_char_t) - 1);

if (parser->status != LXB_STATUS_OK) {
    printf("Something went wrong\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

5. Selector List Serialization and Handling Logs

The example serializes the parsed selector list and prints any parser logs.

printf("Result: ");
(void) lxb_css_selector_serialize_list(list, callback, NULL);

// Check if there are any parser logs.
if (lxb_css_log_length(lxb_css_parser_log(parser)) != 0) {
    // Serialize parser logs with proper indentation.
    (void) lxb_css_log_serialize(parser->log, callback, NULL,
                                 indent, indent_length);

6. Resource Cleanup

Finally, the code destroys resources for the parser and frees memory allocated for the selector list.

(void) lxb_css_parser_destroy(parser, true);

Requirements and Assumptions

Some key points to note:

  • The CSS selector string (slctrs) is predefined and used for parsing.

  • It is assumed that parser initialization and selector list creation are successful.

  • Error handling is demonstrated by checking the parser’s status, though it can be further improved.

  • The cleanup section ensures proper destruction of parser resources and memory.