Part one: HTML

Hello, everyone!

In this article, I will explain how to create a superfast HTML parser that supports DOM. We will examine the HTML specification and its limitations in terms of performance and resource consumption during HTML parsing.

I assume the reader has a basic understanding of HTML: tags, nodes, elements, and namespaces.

HTML Specification

Before implementing the parser, we need to decide which HTML specification to follow.

There are two main HTML specifications:

  1. WHATWG: Maintained by Apple, Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft

  2. W3C: Maintained by a long list of companies

We chose to follow WHATWG. It is a living standard maintained by major companies, each managing its own browser or browser engine.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the links might not work if you are located in Russia. This issue seems to be related to Telegram throttling attempts by the authorities.

HTML Parsing Details

HTML tree construction can be divided into four parts:

  1. Decoder

  2. Preprocessing

  3. Tokenizer

  4. Tree Construction

Let’s examine each stage separately.


The tokenizer accepts Unicode characters (code points) as input. Therefore, we need to convert the byte stream to Unicode characters using the Encoding specification.

If the HTML encoding is unknown (e.g., there’s no HTTP header), we need to determine it before decoding. This is done using the encoding sniffing algorithm.

The algorithm works as follows: we wait for 500ms or until we have received the first 1024 bytes from the byte stream. We then perform a prescan to identify the encoding, attempting to find a <meta> tag with http-equiv, content, or charset attributes to determine the encoding assumed by the HTML developer.

The Encoding specification lists the minimum set of supported encodings for a browser engine (21 in total): UTF-8, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, windows-874, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257, windows-1258, gb18030, Big5, ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-KR, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, and x-user-defined.


Once we have decoded the bytes into Unicode characters, we need to perform a “sweep”. Specifically, we replace all carriage return characters (\r) followed by a newline character (\n) with a single carriage return character (\r). Next, we replace all remaining carriage return characters with newline characters (\n).

According to the specification, this means transforming \r\n into \r, and then \r into \n.

In practice, this is simplified:

If a carriage return character (\r) is followed by a newline character (\n), replace both with a single newline character (\n). If there is no newline character following, replace only the carriage return (\r) with a newline (\n).

This preprocessing step ensures that carriage return characters are removed before the data reaches the tokenizer, which does not expect or handle carriage returns.

Parsing Errors

To address potential questions, it’s important to clarify what constitutes a parse error.

A parse error is essentially a warning that the HTML being parsed is invalid. It does not halt data processing or prevent tree construction. Instead, it indicates a discrepancy between what was expected and what was found.

Parse errors can occur due to issues like surrogate pairs, null characters (\0), incorrect tag locations, or invalid <!DOCTYPE> declarations.

Some parse errors can have consequences. For instance, an invalid <!DOCTYPE> can result in the HTML tree being labeled as QUIRKS, which affects certain DOM functions.


As mentioned, the tokenizer processes Unicode characters as input. It operates as a state machine with 80 states. Each state has conditions for Unicode characters, and depending on the input symbol, the tokenizer may:

  1. Change state

  2. Generate a token and change state

  3. Do nothing and wait for the next character

The tokenizer generates six types of tokens: DOCTYPE, Start Tag, End Tag, Comment, Character, and End-Of-File, which are passed to the tree construction stage.

Note that the tokenizer does not have explicit knowledge of all its states, only about 40% of them (approximately). The remaining 60% are used for tree construction.

This distinction is necessary for properly parsing tags like <textarea>, <style>, <script>, and <title>. These are tags where we do not expect other tags; they simply close.

For example, the <title> tag cannot contain any other tags. Any tags within <title> will be treated as text until the closing tag </title> is encountered.

Why is this approach used? It could be simplified if the tokenizer were instructed to follow a specific path upon encountering a <title> tag. However, namespaces affect the behavior of the tree construction stage, which in turn influences the tokenizer’s behavior.

Consider the behavior of the <title> tag in different namespaces like HTML and SVG:



The resulting tree:




The resulting tree:


In the HTML namespace, the <span> tag is treated as text, so no <span> element is created. In the SVG namespace, however, an element is created based on the <span> tag. Thus, tags behave differently depending on the namespace.

But there’s more. The tokenizer must also be aware of the current namespace to process CDATA correctly.

Consider two examples involving CDATA and two different namespaces:

  1. HTML Namespace:

    <![CDATA[<span>This is a test</span>]]>

    In this example, the CDATA section is treated as raw text, and the <span> tag is not processed as an HTML element but as part of the script content.

  2. SVG Namespace:

    <![CDATA[<span>This is a test</span>]]>

    Here, the CDATA section is still treated as raw text, but the <span> tag is interpreted according to SVG rules if it appears within the SVG namespace.

The tokenizer’s awareness of the namespace ensures that elements and content are handled appropriately in each context.


<div><![CDATA[ text ]]></div>

The resulting tree:

    <!--[CDATA[ text ]]-->


<div><svg><![CDATA[ text ]]></svg></div>

The resulting tree:

        " text "

In the first case (HTML namespace), the tokenizer interpreted CDATA as a comment. In the second case, the tokenizer parsed the CDATA structure and extracted data from it. As a general rule: if CDATA is encountered outside HTML namespaces, it is parsed; otherwise, it is treated as a comment.

This illustrates the relationship between the tokenizer and the tree. The tokenizer must be aware of the namespace during the tree construction stage, and the construction stage can influence the tokenizer’s state.


Next, we will examine all six types of tokens generated by the tokenizer. Note that all tokens contain processed data and are “ready for use.” This means all named character references (such as &copy) are converted to Unicode characters.


The DOCTYPE token has a unique structure compared to other tags. It includes:

  1. Name

  2. Public identifier

  3. System identifier

In modern HTML, a valid DOCTYPE appears as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>

All other <!DOCTYPE> declarations will be treated as parse errors.

Start Tag Token

The opening tag may include:

  1. Tag name

  2. Attributes

  3. Flags

For example:

<div key="value" />

The opening tag can include a self-closing flag. This flag does not impact the closing of the tag but may cause a parse error for non-void elements.

End Tag Token

A closing tag. It shares all properties of the opening tag token but has a slash (/) before the tag name.

</div key="value" />

The closing tag can also include a self-closing flag, which will result in a parse error. Additionally, any attributes in the closing tag will cause a parse error. They will be properly parsed but discarded during the tree construction stage.

Comment Token

The comment token includes the entire text of the comment. It is copied directly from the stream into the token.


<!-- A comment -->

Character Token

The character token is one of the most interesting token types. It represents a single Unicode character. Each character in HTML generates a separate token, which is then sent to the tree construction stage. This process can be quite resource-intensive. Let’s see how it works.

Consider this HTML:

<span>Слава императору! &reg;</span>

How many tokens do you think are created for this example? Answer: 22.

Here is the list of generated tokens:

Start tag token: `<span>`
Character token: С
Character token: л
Character token: а
Character token: в
Character token: а
Character token: 
Character token: и
Character token: м
Character token: п
Character token: е
Character token: р
Character token: а
Character token: т
Character token: о
Character token: р
Character token: у
Character token: !
Character token: 
Character token: ®
End tag token: `</span>`
End-of-file token

Not exactly comforting, is it? Indeed, many HTML parser authors use only one token during this processing step, recycling it by clearing the data each time.

Let’s move forward and address a key question: Why is this approach used instead of processing the text in one piece? The answer lies in the tree construction stage.

The tokenizer alone is insufficient without the HTML tree construction stage, where the text is assembled according to various conditions.

The conditions generally include:

  1. If a U+0000 (NULL) character token is encountered, a parse error is triggered, and the token is ignored.

  2. If a U+0009 (CHARACTER TABULATION), U+000A (LINE FEED (LF)), U+000C (FORM FEED (FF)), or U+0020 (SPACE) character token is encountered, an algorithm is invoked to restore active formatting elements and insert the token into the tree.

The character token is added to the tree based on the following algorithm:

  1. If the current insertion position is not a text node, create a text node, insert it into the tree, and add the token data to it.

  2. Otherwise, add the token data to the existing text node.

This approach has its drawbacks. The need to create a token and send it for analysis to the tree construction stage for each character is inefficient. Since we don’t know the size of the text node in advance, we either need to pre-allocate a large amount of memory or perform frequent reallocations. Both approaches are costly in terms of memory and time.

End-Of-File Token

A straightforward token indicating that no data is left; it simply informs the tree construction stage of this fact.

Tree Construction

Tree construction involves a finite state machine with 23 states and numerous token-related conditions (tags, text). It is the most complex stage and occupies a significant portion of the specification (the side effects may include lethargy and extreme frustration).

In essence, tokens are processed as input, and based on the token, the state of tree construction is adjusted. The output is a fully-formed DOM.


Several issues are apparent:

Character-by-Character Copying

At the entry point, each state of the tokenizer processes one symbol at a time, copying or converting it as needed—whether tag names, attributes, comments, or symbols.

This process is highly inefficient in terms of both memory and time. We must allocate an unknown amount of memory for each attribute, tag name, comment, etc., leading to frequent reallocations and wasted time.

For example, if an HTML document contains 1000 tags, each with at least one attribute, the parser will be extremely slow.

Character Token

The second problem is related to the character token. We create a token for each character and pass it to tree construction. Since the construction stage does not know how many tokens will be generated, it cannot immediately allocate the necessary memory. As a result, there are frequent reallocations and continuous checks for text nodes in the current state of the tree.

Monolithic System

The pervasive dependencies between nearly all components pose a significant issue. The tokenizer depends on tree construction, and tree construction can affect the tokenizer. These dependencies are largely due to namespaces.

How to Solve Issues?

I will outline an HTML parser implementation for my Lexbor project, along with solutions to the problems discussed.


First, we eliminate preprocessing. Instead, we update the tokenizer to treat carriage return (\r) as a whitespace character. It will then be passed to the tree construction stage, where it will be handled appropriately.


We simplify token management by using a single token for all purposes. This unified token will exist throughout the entire parsing process.

Our unified token contains the following fields:

  1. Tag ID

  2. Begin

  3. End

  4. Attributes

  5. Flags

Tag ID

We will not use the text representation of tag names. Instead, we will convert everything into numeric IDs, which are easier to compare and manage.

We create a static hash table for all known tags, assigning a specific ID to each tag. In this hash table, the key will be the tag name, and the value will be the corresponding ID from the enumeration.


typedef enum {
    LXB_TAG__UNDEF       = 0x0000,
    LXB_TAG__END_OF_FILE = 0x0001,
    LXB_TAG__TEXT        = 0x0002,
    LXB_TAG__DOCUMENT    = 0x0003,
    LXB_TAG__EM_COMMENT  = 0x0004,
    LXB_TAG__EM_DOCTYPE  = 0x0005,
    LXB_TAG_A            = 0x0006,
    LXB_TAG_ABBR         = 0x0007,
    LXB_TAG_ACRONYM      = 0x0008,
    LXB_TAG_ADDRESS      = 0x0009,
    LXB_TAG_ALTGLYPH     = 0x000a,
    /* ... */

As shown in the example, we have created tags for the END-OF-FILE token, text, and document to facilitate further processing. To streamline this, each node in the DOM (Document Object Model) will include a Tag ID. This approach avoids the need for two comparisons: one for the node type and one for the element. Instead, a single check can be performed:

if (node->tag_id == LXB_TAG_DIV) {
    /* Optimal code */

Alternatively, you could use:

if (node->type == LXB_DOM_NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && node->tag_id == LXB_TAG_DIV) {
    /* Oh my code */

The double underscores in LXB_TAG__ are used to distinguish between common tags and system tags. User-defined tags can include names like text or end-of-file, which will not cause errors when searching for tag names. System tags are prefixed with the # character.

However, the node can still store a textual representation of the tag name, although this property will be NULL for 98.99999% of nodes. In some namespaces, tags need to be prefixed or named with specific case sensitivity, such as baseProfile in the SVG namespace.

The logic is straightforward:

  1. Add the tag in lowercase to the general tag base and obtain the tag ID.

  2. Store the tag ID and the original tag name in plain text in the node.

Custom Tags (Custom Elements)

Developers can create custom tags in HTML. Since our static hash table only contains known tags, we need a dynamic hash table to handle custom tags.

The process is straightforward: When a tag is encountered, we first check the static hash table. If the tag is not found, we then search the dynamic table. If the tag is not in the dynamic table either, we increment the ID counter and add the tag to the dynamic table.

This process happens within the tokenizer, where all comparisons and later uses involve the Tag ID (with rare exceptions).

Begin and End

We have eliminated data processing within the tokenizer. We no longer copy or convert data; instead, we obtain start and end pointers for data.

All data, including symbolic links, will be processed during the tree construction stage, allowing us to determine the data size for subsequent memory allocation.


The handling of attributes is similarly simplified. We do not copy attribute data; instead, we maintain start and end pointers for attribute names and values. All transformations are performed during tree construction.


With the streamlining of token types, we need to record the token type for the tree. This is achieved using the Flags bitmap field.

The field can contain the following values:

enum {
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN         = 0x0000,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE        = 0x0001,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT         = 0x0004,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_DATA         = 0x0008,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_RCDATA       = 0x0010,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_CDATA        = 0x0020,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_NULL         = 0x0040,
    LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_DONE         = 0x0100

Besides the opening/closing token type, there are additional values for the data converter. Only the tokenizer knows how to correctly convert data, and it marks the token to indicate how the data should be processed.

Character Token

We can now conclude that the character token has effectively been removed. We now have a new type of token: LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT. This new token represents the entire text between tags, specifying how it should be processed in the future.

As a result, the tree construction conditions need to be updated to handle text tokens instead of character tokens. This includes converting text, removing unnecessary characters, skipping spaces, and so on.

These changes in tree construction will be minimal. However, the tokenizer now significantly deviates from the specification. This deviation is acceptable as long as the HTML/DOM tree is fully compliant with the specification.

Tokenizer Stages

To improve data processing speed in the tokenizer, we introduce our own iterator at each stage. According to the specification, each stage processes one symbol at a time and makes decisions based on that symbol. This approach can be very inefficient.

For example, to transition from the ATTRIBUTE_NAME stage to the ATTRIBUTE_VALUE stage, we need to identify a whitespace character in the attribute name, which marks its end. The specification requires feeding characters one by one to the ATTRIBUTE_NAME stage until a whitespace character is encountered, causing the stage to switch. This process is costly, typically implemented with a function call for each character or a callback like tkz->next_code_point().

Instead, we add a loop to the ATTRIBUTE_NAME stage to process the entire incoming buffer at once. The loop looks for characters that indicate a stage transition, allowing the stage to continue working efficiently. This change provides significant performance improvements, even without compiler optimizations.

However, this update breaks the original chunking support. Previously, with character-by-character processing at each stage, chunking was supported. With the new approach, chunking support is lost.

To address this, we introduce the concept of incoming buffers to restore chunking support.

Incoming Buffer

HTML is often parsed in chunks, such as when receiving data over the network. To avoid waiting for the entire data to arrive, we process and parse the received data as it comes in. Naturally, the data can be split across multiple buffers. For example, we may have two buffers:

First buffer:

<div clas

Second buffer:


Since we do not copy data during tokenization but instead use start/end pointers to the data, we face the issue of dealing with pointers to different user buffers. This problem arises because developers often use a single buffer to store data, which means a pointer may refer to non-existent data.

To address this issue, we need to determine when the data from the user buffer is no longer needed. The solution involves the following steps:

  1. When parsing data in chunks, copy each incoming chunk into an incoming buffer.

  2. After parsing the current chunk (which was copied), check if there were any unfinished tokens from the previous chunk. Specifically, check if the last token has pointers to the current user buffer. If no such pointers exist, release the incoming buffer. Otherwise, retain it until it is no longer needed. In most cases, the incoming buffer will be discarded when the next chunk arrives.

The “copy incoming buffer” flag can be adjusted as needed. For single-chunk data, no copying is required.

This logic can be optimized further. Instead of copying the entire buffer in advance, we could copy only the necessary data (the remaining tail) after processing and update the token pointer to the new buffer. This approach would be more efficient. However, such optimizations are not yet necessary, as the current implementation is sufficiently fast and memory-efficient.

A Problem: The Data in the Token

With chunk parsing addressed, we can relax a bit. However, another issue with our pointer-based approach remains: when we need to inspect the token data, we can’t simply access it directly. If token data spans multiple chunks, we would need to concatenate it, which is time-consuming. The specification specifies a few cases where it’s necessary to examine the accumulated data in a token.

This issue is resolved by adding new processing steps in the tokenizer. By anticipating when checks will occur, we can handle data processing differently in the tokenizer.

Tree Construction Stage

Changes to the tree construction stage are minimal.

Since we no longer use character tokens but instead use text tokens, we need to update the construction stage to support this new token type.

Here’s how it looks.

According to the specification:

tree_build_in_body_character(token) {
    if (token.code_point == '\0') {
        /* Parse error, ignore token */
    else if (token.code_point == whitespaces) {
        /* Insert element */'
    /* ... */

In Lexbor HTML:

tree_build_in_body_character(token) {
    lexbor_str_t str = {0};
    lxb_html_parser_char_t pc = {0};

    pc.drop_null = true;

    tree->status = lxb_html_token_parse_data(token, &pc, &str,

    if (token->type & LXB_HTML_TOKEN_TYPE_NULL) {
        /* Parse error */

    /* Insert element if not empty */

As illustrated by the example, we have removed all character-based conditions and created a common function for text processing. This function takes an argument with data transformation settings:

pc.replace_null /* Replace each '\0' with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD) */
pc.drop_null    /* Delete all '\0's */
pc.is_attribute /* If data is an attribute value, we need smarter parsing */
pc.state        /* Processing stage. We can use symlink parsing or do without it. */

Each stage of tree construction has specific conditions for handling character tokens. Depending on the situation, we may need to drop \0 characters, replace them with a REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, or convert symbolic links. These modes can overlap in various ways.

While this approach may seem straightforward, it requires careful handling. For instance, whitespace characters before the <head> tag should be discarded. If a text token arrives with leading whitespace, such as “ some text here “, we should remove the spaces at the beginning of the text. After removing the spaces, we check if there is any remaining data. If so, we continue processing the remaining text as a new token.


With all the updates completed, we now have a highly efficient HTML parser with full support for DOM/HTML interfaces that builds an HTML/DOM tree in full compliance with the HTML specification.

To summarize the changes made:

  1. Removed pre-processing (moved to the tokenizer)

  2. Tokenizer

    • Added support for incoming buffers

    • Streamlined tokens

    • Used Tag IDs instead of names

    • Replaced character tokens with N+ characters

    • Introduced an iterator in each state

    • Implemented token processing during tree construction

    • Consolidated to a single token type

  3. Tree Construction

    • Updated character-based conditions

As a result, a single-core 2012 i7 processor achieves an average parsing rate of 235MB per second (for Amazon pages).

I have methods to potentially increase this rate by 1.5–2 times, but I need to move forward. Next, I will focus on CSS parsing and developing a custom grammar (Grammar-based parsing).


The approach to parsing and HTML tree construction described here is implemented in my Lexbor HTML library.


Our next article will cover CSS parsing and grammar, complete with real code examples.

For Those Interested

Feel free to contribute to the project. If you enjoy writing documentation or supporting projects, your help is appreciated. If you wish to support the project financially, please email me for details.

Thank you for your attention!